Friday, July 1, 2011

the dream of a little girl

Every girl, at some stage of her life, sometimes when she's younger, and sometimes even when she's older, still has a dream. That dream for me was a ballerina. I've always enjoyed watching it. There is something magical about it. It's so delicate and feminine and makes my imagination run wild.

As a teenager, i did many dancing types including the likes of jazz and hip hop, but there is only so long you can do it (unless you're particularly good at it) and you see a future with it. I never did ballet though, for some reason i always though i was too old to do it. I didn't want to be that older girl in the class (although i have been that girl). So i plucked up the courage one time to try an adult ballet class. And boy was i surprised how difficult it was... Not that i thought it was going to be a breeze, but i suppose it reinforced why you start so young as a child...Anyway long story short, i did love it, but it was a challenge. For now and from time to time, i will live my child/teenage fantasy and obsession with ballet through everything else including point shoes and ballet slippers (which i still wear occasionally around the house).

I was amazed to find the Chloé criss-cross ballerina style flat (RRP $420)...I squealed when i saw them and could not resist trying them on! The buttery leather goodness, just adds to the design. The question is, the black of the nude? Even if i didn't wear them (and i would wear them of course), i could just look at them and cradle them, and i would be a happy girl.

What are your childhood fantasies?

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caitlin x


  1. I still would love to fulfil my childhood fantasy of becoming a ballerina. But let's keep that secret!

  2. Thanks for your comment C'est freak, le chic. I recommend taking a ballet class (if you haven't already), just so you can at least live some of your fantasy :)
